Calculator of blood volume and components: what is the number and amount of blood?

Calculator of blood volume and components: what is the number and amount of blood?

How many litres of blood do you have? Our calculator will show you the approximate volume and quantity of each blood component, blood cells and platelets. The calculation includes the maximum possible blood loss up to the point of endangering health and life.
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Blood volume and components calculator: what is your blood cell count?

Blood is the most important fluid of the human body. It carries many substances, nutrients, gases and elements necessary for life. It rids the body of waste substances.

It circulates in the blood vessels. Its driving force (pump) is the heart. It works continuously throughout life.

In school we were taught that on average we have about 5 litres of blood in our body. The actual volume depends on several factors. These include body weight or gender.

Men have a little more and women a little less.

The volume of circulating blood is important for keeping the heart functioning as a pump and for blood circulation.

Under certain conditions, a loss of blood of approximately 0.5 to 1.5 litres can be compensated for. The rate of blood loss from the circulation is important. A number of other momentary factors of the organism are also decisive.

With acute blood loss above 1.5 litres, health and life are at risk. Long-term blood loss can be compensated by the body over a period of time. However, anaemia and other health problems occur.

The calculation will give you an approximate idea of the volume and representation of the different blood elements in your blood.

The calculation is a guide. It is in no way a substitute for a professional examination.

Some interesting facts about blood:

  • It makes up approximately 8-9% of the weight of the human body.
  • Blood cells are renewed throughout life.
  • 56% is plasma - the liquid part.
  • 44% is made up of blood elements such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
  • It contains and carries proteins, salts, carbohydrates, hormones, dissolved gases, nutrients (sugars, fats, vitamins), products of metabolism and other components.
  • Blood flows in a closed system of blood vessels.
  • It maintains homeostasis (stability of the internal environment) and pH (osmotic pressure).
  • The pH value of blood plasma is strictly maintained between 7.35 and 7.45.
  • The blood is separated by group and Rh factor according to the AB0 and Rh+/- system.

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Important notice:

Please remember that the results of our health calculators and analyzers are for guidance purposes only. They are not a substitute for a professional examination or the advice of a doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional.

Each person is unique, and everyone's needs may vary. Calculators and analyzers have limitations and do not provide a comprehensive individual view of health.

Their use is at your own risk. Neither the site operator nor the author is responsible for misuse and misinterpretation of information obtained through their use. By using the calculators and analyzers, you agree to these terms and conditions and neither the operator nor the author shall be liable for any consequences.

You are advised to consult a professional for your medical condition. Remember that health is an important topic and any decisions should be made in consultation with a professional.

This calculator/analyzer is not a medical tool or medical aid. Consult your doctor about your health problem.

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