Treatment of conjunctivitis: Do home remedies help?

Treatment is reflected from the provoking cause. Of course, antibiotics work on bacteria. However, they have no effect on viruses. Therefore, their use is useless. In the case of the herpes virus, antivirals can be used.

In allergy, these are the aforementioned antihistamines, mast cell stabilisers and corticosteroids.

Basically, any discomfort that lasts for a long time requires professional examination and treatment.

However, conjunctivitis can also be mild (both bacterial and viral infection). And after a few days it goes away spontaneously

Medications are in the form of drops well-known drops are, for example, Uniflox, Ocuflash and the like, ointments, gels.

At the time of inflammation, it is recommended to avoid the use of contact lenses. 

What about the inflamed eye?

Eye drops to moisten the eye, artificial tears and cold compresses help in the treatment.

Some examples of home remedies:

  • eyebright, also called eyewort (Euphrasia rostkoviana)
  • black and green tea
  • chamomile
  • common agrimony, also called church steeples or sticklewort (Agrimonia eupatoria)
  • pot marigold, also called common marigold, ruddles, Mary's gold or Scotch marigold (Calendula officinalis)
  • cornflower, also called bachelor's button (Centaurea cyanus)

Remember, advice from a medical professional, even in a pharmacy for example, can help you avoid unnecessary problems.


  • protect your eyes and do not strain them, limit watching TV and staring at the screens/displays/monitors
  • protect your eyes when outdoors
  • do not stand in wind, draughts, air conditioning
  • avoid irritants
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