Bc. Martina Šmidova

Bc. Martina Šmidova

Healthcare worker
She graduated from the Secondary School of Nursing and Urgent Health Care at the Charles University Faculty of Medicine. She worked at the Motol University Hospital in oncology, at PN Bohunice and Veľké Zálužie, at KAIM in Nitra and OAIM Zlaté Moravce. Since 2010 she has been working as a paramedic


Atopic eczema - is your child suffering from it too?

Atopic eczema - is your child suffering from it too?

The incidence of eczema is increasing worldwide. The increase is related to the continuous deterioration of environmental conditions, food quality, the use of cosmetics and cleaning products, and environmental dustiness. Eczema is a skin disease that affects different age groups. It is manifested by skin changes and itching.